The Eagles of Lock & Dam 14 (2017 Edition)
I made another trip up to LeClaire, Iowa back in January to see what the eagles were doing up there. You may remember a post from early last year about my first trip there. It was so much fun to watch the eagles, I decided to go back. I met up with my friend Steve again, saw a few other familiar faces, and met some new friends as well.
It is so amazing to watch these birds of prey swoop down out of the trees and catch fish out of the river. Usually, after a catch, a chase ensues as another eagle will attempt to steal away the fish. The incredible aerial maneuvers and acrobatics are always exciting to watch.
Unfortunately, the eagle numbers were down this year due to much warmer weather and less snow on the ground and ice on water bodies to the north. There wasn't nearly as much action as last year, but what little there was, was sure fun to capture. Here are a few images from the trip. There are also a few landscape images thrown in for good measure.
The eagles weren't the only ones that were hungry.
Early morning fishermen.
A little too close for comfort.